Economy continues to face unprecedented stress in the backdrop of unabated pandemic. Inflation of 6.1..
Rupees 20 tn Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan (ANBA) package has set out a formidable and challenging..
M S Swaminathan, recalling the struggle with the Bengal famine rightly observed, ‘If agriculture..
B Yerram Raju Fellow, SKOCH Development Foundation Markets are like the fleas in Jonathan Swift’s..
The Constitution (97th Amendment) Act 2011 has been enacted by Parliament to aid the..
At present, the agricultural sector presents a mixed picture of stagnation and dynamism across..
RBI, as the regulator, and Government of India, as policy-maker and owner of NABARD, should..
What needs to be recognised, however, is the agrarian economy moved away from famines..
As on March 2010, there were 83,997 branches of scheduled commercial banks (SCBs) out..
Step 1: Call for Project Submission Call for..
"American roads are good not because America..
In the run-up to the elections, the most..
State Rankings Highlights Andhra Pradesh retains number one..
State Rankings Highlights -: Odisha scaled to number..
Inclusion is the first magazine dedicated to exploring issues at the intersection of development agendas and digital, financial and social inclusion. The magazine makes complex policy analyses accessible for a diverse audience of policymakers, administrators, civil society and academicians. Grassroots-focused, outcome-oriented analysis is the cornerstone of the work done at Inclusion.