State of Governance 2022 Report Card

SKOCH State of Governance – Research Methodology

SKOCH State of Governance – Research Methodology

10 March, 2022 State of Governance
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Step 1: Call for Project Submission

Call for Project Submission

  • Newspaper Advertising
  • Email
  • Social Media
  • Letters
  • Tele-calling


  • Based on this, states identify their well-performing projects and submit comprehensive details for further study and assessment by SKOCH.
  • Submissions are sought through email, letters and telephonic follow-up
  • Call for Project Evaluation is also extensively publicised in national media

Step 2: Internal Evaluation

Internal Evaluation

  • Check for Completeness
  • Check for Eligibility
  • Check for Category
  • Desk Research
  • Telephonic Feedback


  • All the submissions are checked for completeness and eligibility by our research analysts 
  • All the submissions are checked for correctness of application in applied Category
  • Desk research is also conducted to check project details
  • In a few cases even telephonic feedback is also provided
  • Suitability for a deep-dive study is decided
  • First shortlisting is done

Step 3: Face-to-Face Interaction & Peer Evaluation

Explanation by Example

Face-to-Face Interaction

Jury Evaluation (80% Weightage)
Scale (1-10) Example 1 Example 2
Jury Marks Marks
Juror 1 7 10
Juror 2 6 10
Juror 3 8 10
Average 7 10
80% of Average 5.6 8
Final Jury Score (A) 5.6 8
Peer Evaluation (20% Weightage)
Scale (1-10) Example 1 Example 2
Approx 20 Peers Marks Marks
Total Marks  100 200
Average 5 10
20% of Average 1 2
Peer Score (B) 1 2
Total score after Jury & Peer evaluation Example 1 Example 2
Jury Score + Peer Score [C] = A+B 6.6 10
Total Score [C]
maximum score allowed is 10
6.6 10


  • Shortlisted projects go through primary evaluation by a Jury of three domain experts – 80% weightage is given to Jury Evaluation
  • A Peer Evaluation is carried out by those doing similar projects – 20% weightage is given to Peer Evaluation.
  • Overall outcome impact is measured for new projects whereas ongoing projects are evaluated on incremental improvement.
  • Based on an average score, a cut off is decided and a second shortlist is derived.
  • Field research is also done for select projects to assess the impact through benefits received by intended beneficiaries.

Step 4: Popular Vote

Explanation by Example

Popular Vote (15% Weightage)

One particular batch has list of approx. 40 projects Online Voting Online Voting
  Example 1 Example 2
  Votes Votes
Total vote received by your project (X) 150 1500
Assuming sum of total vote of this particular batch (Y) 1500 1500
Average of Your Vote (Z)= (X/Y*100)  10 100
15% Weigtage of (Z) 1.5 15
Maximum score allowed is 1.5 1.5 1.5


  • All the qualified projects are put to an online popular vote on our website.
  • The voting phase gives an opportunity to solicit popular votes for one’s submission. This is important for the following reasons:
    • Making a department/organisation and its wider ecosystem part of the evaluation exercise.
    • Creating a buzz around one’s good work, informing colleagues and peers about what has been done, and making them feel proud of their achievements.
    • Benchmarking one’s popularity against peers from other organisations.
  • Based on the cut-off, projects qualify for further deeper study and are Merit Listed.
  • The Popular vote carries a 15% weightage (upto 1.5 marks). This is added to the Jury score to arrive at the semi-final stage.

Step 5: Semi-Final Merit List

Explanation by Example

Total marks at semi-final stage
 P = (A+B+Z) Example 1 (5.6+1+1.5) Example 2 (8+2+1.5)
P  (Maximum score allowed is 10) 8.1 11.5
Allowed score 8.1 10
  • A cut-off for marks is decided by the Secretariat.
  • All projects getting higher than cut-off qualify for a SKOCH Merit List

Step 6: Way to Finals – Expert Vote

Explanation by Example

Assuming 8 as cut-off

  Example 1 Example 2
 Semi-final score (P)  8.1 10
Total votes polled for your exhibition 200 0
Total votes polled for all exhibitors 1500 1500
Your vote percentage (Q) 13.3 0
Your exhibition score [R] (Q*15%) 1.99  
Maximum allowed score is 1.5 1.5  
Your final score (Z) = (P+R) 9.6 10
maximum final score allowed (10) 9.6 10


  • All the qualified projects go through Expert Vote during Evidence of Excellence digital exhibition voting giving an opportunity to solicit Expert Votes and support from one’s stakeholders. Here’s how it works:
    • We create an Online Exhibition page as per one’s level of participation. It displays Videos, PPT, Photographs and a Case Study.
    • The online link is shared with the project owner/department, this could also be displayed on their website for wider dissemination and invitation.
  • The Digital Exhibition opens for Expert Votes. The online voting adds 10% weightage to the score. 
  • During the SKOCH Summit, there is live online voting on all the exhibited projects, 10% weightage of which will also be added to their overall score.

Research Methodology

Project Level Research Methodology

  • Each project receives a comprehensive score going through various steps.
  • Based on the total score, the well-performing projects in each sector are identified.
  • All well-performing projects form part of SKOCH Online Knowledge Repository on Governance

State Level Research Methodology

  • All the well-performing projects in a state are identified.
  • The projects in each of the states are bunched as per the sector. 
  • The sectoral score in the state is arrived at.
  • A sum total of all well-performing projects in one sector in a state decides on the sectoral performance within the state.
  • All the sectors put together decide on the comprehensive overall performance of the State.
  • Based on the comprehensive State score, Top performers are STARS, states with commendable work are PERFORMERS, states that are making good efforts are CATCHING UP. 
  • Rest are OTHERS.

Ethics Policy

SKOCH Group is committed to high standards of ethical conduct and in pursuance of these we follow the following guidelines:

  • The employees of the organization are barred from offering gifts or any other consideration that may be considered improper to any government functionary towards the conduct of business or towards discharging their official duties.
  • Our awards follow an editorially independent process. Employees and their immediate relatives are ineligible for applying for or receiving any of our awards. Any form of canvassing towards our awards is prohibited and all such entries are summarily rejected.
  • There is no monetary component to any of our awards and these are limited to a memento and a citation for all awards and additionally a biographical documentary and a festschrift in case of the SKOCH Challenger Lifetime achievement award.
  • Most of our programs are designed in consultation with the relevant domain ministries, academics, economists and experts etc. Due acknowledgement is provided to the government departments, academic and development institutions etc. that extend formal institutional support to our programs.


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