Jaipur Nagar Nigam – Efficient Public Street Lighting

Undertaken as an initiative of Government of Rajasthan and Jaipur Nagar Nigam (JNN), the project targets replacing all the conventional street lights under JNN jurisdiction by high efficacy Samudra LED street lights. Also in future, all the lights, which will come under the jurisdiction of JNN will be replaced by Samudra LED lights.

01 January, 2016 Municipalities, Case Studies
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Undertaken as an initiative of Government of Rajasthan and Jaipur Nagar Nigam (JNN), the project targets replacing all the conventional street lights under JNN jurisdiction by high efficacy Samudra LED street lights. Also in future, all the lights, which will come under the jurisdiction of JNN will be replaced by Samudra LED lights. Samudra LED based Energy Saving Project is rated by IFC as one of the largest ESCO projects based on actual savings.

Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is an environment friendly implementation—no lead, no mercury or any poisonous gas.

Apart from energy savings and providing better illumination improving public safety on the roads, this project comes without any capex to the governemnt and JNN. Saved energy can be utilised for other important sectors, particularly illuminating the rural areas.


  • Development, operation and maintenance of energy efficient public lighting in Jaipur at zero cost to JNN and Government of Rajasthan during the contract period of ten years.
  • To bring all un-metered and direct point lamps under the scope of Centralised Control Monitoring System (CCMS).
  • Making Jaipur, India’s first ‘LED Street Light City’ for international recognition in energy efficiency and Co2 reduction – GSM/GPRS technology is used to remotely monitor lights and energy consumption.
  • Building the new concept of 80 per cent energy savings in the street lighting industry – first in India.


  • High consumption leading to higher energy bills.
  • Poor illumination despite high energy consumption.
  • Frequent failures and replacements leading to high maintenance costs.
  • Manual switch-off and switch-on leading to wastage of energy.
  • Faulty cabling and poor infrastructure leading to power losses.


Based on the energy audit and power consumption pattern, Samudra LED replaced existing conventional fixtures consuming 48 W to 550 W of energy with LED fixtures 5 W to 112 W only to provide better illumination and higher energy savings. This has ensured achievement of 77.13 per cent energy savings.

Introduction of CCMS has led to increased accountability and made the process of identifying failures accurate and fast, thereby reducing the turnaround time of repairs and maintenance. The results are visible:

  • 95 per cent street lights are guaranteed to be working at any given time during the contract;
  • 50 per cent reduction in maintenance costs;
  • Next to nil failure rate in comparison to the conventional lighting system.

Cost effectiveness

  • Zero investment project, even for new lights for first 7 ytears for new locations under JNN.
  • Total number of street lights: 1,98,000
  • Street lights to be replaced in Phase I – March 2016: 70,652
  • Currant annual consumption of power for 70,652 street lights: 44,326 MW
  • Annual consumption after replacing with Samudra LED street lights: 10,137 MW
  • Savings for Jaipur Nagar Nigam: 34,189 MW
  • Assured savings: 77.13 per cent
  • Revenue for Jaipur Nagar Nigam and Government of Rajasthan in 10-years through savings in energy and maintenance costs: Rs 100 crore

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