State of Governance 2022 Report Card

Uttarakhand ranks #18 in the SKOCH State of Governance Report 2022

Uttarakhand improves in the SKOCH State of Governance 2022

31 March, 2023 State of Governance
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  • Uttarakhand improves in the SKOCH State of Governance 2022.
  • Total of 16 well-performing projects qualified for SKOCH Order-of-Merit, out of which 4 were impactful projects.
  • State performed very well in 9 categories.
    1. Maximum improvement in the District Governance category.
    2. Participating first time in Disaster Management categories and entered in the top 10 nationally.
    3. Recovered in Finance, Health, Municipal Governance, and Transport categories.
    4. District Governance, Municipal Governance, and Police & Safety submitted a larger number of projects for evaluation. Out of these, several well-performing projects were qualified as impactful projects.

Key achievements

  1. Uttarakhand bagged 16 SKOCH Orders-of-Merit in the SKOCH State of Governance Awards 2022.
  2. The state won 4 awards – all four in the SILVER category.

Governance Rank & Score 2022

  • Uttarakhand ranks #18 in 2022.

Comparison of States 2014-19 & 2020-22

Sectors with Maximum Improvement

District Governance1516
  • In District Governance, Uttarakhand has improved its rank from #16 to #15 in 2022.

Sectors with Comeback

Municipal Governance6
  • In Finance, Uttarakhand has come back in the ranks to #4 in 2022.
  • In Transport, Uttarakhand has come back in the ranks to #5.
  • In Municipal Governance, Uttarakhand has come back in the ranks to #6.
  • In Health, Uttarakhand has come back in the ranks to #7.

First Time Participants Getting National Rank

Disaster Management2
  • Even though participating for the first time, some sectors of Uttarakhand are ranked in the top positions.
  • The state was ranked #2 in Disaster Management and Horticulture.
  • Disaster Management, Finance, Health, Horticulture, Municipal Governance and Transport are the sectors that have seen enhanced focus in 2022.
  • Police & Safety is the sector with a stable focus in the last two years.

Impactful & Well-Performing Projects of Uttarakhand in State of Governance 2022

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What needs to be DONE in 2023?

  • 50+ well-performing projects required to rank in the top 10 states.
  • Alternatively, a higher number of Platinum and Gold performances can improve the ranking
  • Incremental improvements in previously evaluated/awarded projects can be submitted
  • Multiple projects from one department can be submitted
  • Most states have a large number of projects at the District and Municipal levels
  • Most states tend to retain or improve their annual ranks
  • Police and Power & Energy tend to submit a larger number of projects

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