Jharkhand: District Administration Making Strides

District Administration and Municipalities have done commendable work in Jharkhand to push forward good governance initiatives.

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District Administration and Municipalities have done commendable work in Jharkhand to push forward good governance initiatives. With five SKOCH Orders of- Merit and one award in Silver category, Jharkhand is in the category of CATCHING-UP. Jharkhand bagged two SKOCH Orders-of-Merit in District Administration and two in Municipal Governance segment. One of the projects in District Administration segment was conferred with Silver award.

Key Achievements

District Administration of Hazaribagh has started a campaign called “My City My Responsibility” with an objective to make city clean involving different stakeholders. My City My Responsibilty is one of its kind initiatives wherein all the local NGOs, public trusts and local leaders are involved along with the district administration in changing the behaviour of the people by motivating them and inducing in them a civic sense and responsibility towards keeping the city clean.

Chas Municipal Corporation has launched a campaign called “Kachre Wala Bhaiya” who collects waste from all localities every morning. To make people accountable for their waste, a user charge of R30 is levied per month.

Ranchi Municipal Corporation has implemented a unique project management mechanism called INFRASys E3 for handling public service infrastructure projects that arise out of ward councilors and municipal board recommendations. These projects are usually small but critical for the residents. INFRASys E3 stands for Integrated Nomination Framework and Resource Allotment System – End to End Engineering. The initiative has made it easier for all officials, board members and citizens to track infrastructure related projects at the click of a button.


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