State of Governance 2020 Report Card

Haryana 2020 Tops Health, 2nd In Ease of Doing Business

Haryana emerged as the top performer in Health sector ranking and acquired the second spot in Ease of Doing Business category in the SKOCH State of Governance Rankings 2020.

07 September, 2021 State of Governance, Governance
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Haryana emerged as the top performer in Health sector ranking and acquired the second spot in Ease of Doing Business category in the SKOCH State of Governance Rankings 2020. The state also registered impressive performance in Municipal Sanitation, Skill Development and Transport sector rankings. However, in the overall ranking Haryana slipped from the nineth spot in 2019 to the 14 position in 2020.

Top Gainers

Haryana registered significant gains in five sectoral rankings. In Health sector Haryana acquired the first position in 2020, making a sharp jump from the fourth position registered in 2019. Haryana witnessed huge gain in Ease of Doing Business category acquiring the second position in this year’s ranking. There was no selected project in this category from Haryana in 2019. In Municipal Sanitation category Haryana’s position improved to the fifth in 2020 from the seventh position in the previous year. In Transport sector Haryana acquired fifth position, while in Skill Development category the state acquired the seventh position.

Top Gainers
  2020 2019
Ease of Doing Business 2 0
Health (Non-COVID) 1 4
Municipal Sanitation 5 7
Skill Development 7 0
Transport 5 0


Haryana topped the health sector ranking with one very impactful project. This is a sharp improvement in Haryana’s standing in health sector. In 2019 the state was ranked at the fourth position. Haryana shares the honour of topping the Health sectoral ranking along with West Bengal that also implemented a very impactful project. Despite eight projects Karnataka could not achieve the top spot due to low weightage of its projects.

There have been a lot of misconception among the people regarding Covid-19. A lot of people have suffered due to wrong treatment and the cases have spread in several parts of the country due to wrong conception about the control of the virus. Health Department of Haryana realised these challenges quite early and set up integrated Covid-19 helpline to handling both Covid related and non-Covid related queries and problems in a scientific manner. The helpline worked 24×7. Police control room and disaster management control room has also been integrated through Covid-19 helpline to provide the relief and assistance to needy people in pandemic situation.

An impressive feature of Haryana’s Covid-19 helpline is that it also provides Tele-Medicine/Consultation services. Various specialist doctors have been empanelled for this purpose.

Nearly thousand Specialist Doctors have been empanelled for Tele medicine Consultation which includes specializations like General Physician (185), Cardiologist (3), Gynaecologist (21), Paediatrician (38), Radiologist (5), Surgeon (15), Psychiatry (3), Psychologist (29), ENT (14), Anaesthetist (20), Orthopedician (20), Microbiologist (6), Dental (97), Ayush Doctor (489), Ophthalmologist (15), Dermatologist (4), Physiotherapist (2), Pathologist (7), Gastroenterologist (1), Surgical Oncology (1), Forensic Medicine (1), Chest and TB (3).

Ease of Doing Business

Haryana acquired the second spot in the Ease of Doing Business sectoral ranking on the back of one impactful project. West Bengal toped this sectoral ranking with two projects that were evaluated.

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are the biggest employer in Haryana outside the Agriculture Sector. Department of Industries & Commerce, Government of Haryana, has adopted a “Cluster” based approach to support the growth of MSMEs in the state. The state government announced formulation and development of 25 industrial clusters under its ambitious Mini Cluster Development scheme. The scheme is a first-of-its-kind in the country that aims to create a massive impact towards holistic development of the micro and small enterprises in the state. The programme has been anchored through a district driven “Think Global Act Local” approach and aimed to identify clusters of micro & small industries in districts and creating state-of-the-art Common Facility Centres (CFCs) housing modern technologies to help MSEs become competitive.

Municipal Sanitation

With two evaluated projects Haryana acquired the fifth position in Municipal Sanitation category. Andhra Pradesh topped this sectoral ranking with seven projects. Two projects from Andhra Pradesh was in the impactful category.

Municipal Corporation Gurugram has introduced impressive step of solid waste management by promoting composting by the community. This has helped in reducing the burden of the waste at landfill site and people are getting natural compost free from pesticide. Home composting is also being promoted. It is done in various manners – manual home composting and composting by machines.

Kalayat Municipality has effectively organised Swachh Baharat Swachhata Pakhwada.

Skill Development

No project was submitted for evaluation in the Skill Development category from Haryana in 2019. However, one project got selected in 2020 and it helped Haryana acquire the seventh spot in this sectoral ranking. Skill Development sectoral ranking is topped by Uttar Pradesh with two impactful projects.

The current skilling eco-system in India is primarily supply driven in which courses and curriculum are predefined on a top bottom approach and lacks scientific planning. As a result most of the Government sponsored skill development programmes have not yielded desired result. The skill development scheme are formulated at the central or the state level and implementation is expected to be carried out at the district level. However, the widespread diversity in the social and economic fabric at the district level renders the implementation of skill development scheme ineffective.

To overcome these challenges Haryana Skill Development Mission (HSDM) has implemented District Skill Development Plan (DSDP). The main objectives of the Plan are:  a. Identifying prospects for skill training with market relevance; b. Mitigate the Gap between human resource demand and supply; c. Focus of district specific sectors and align new relevant courses with NSQF; d. Strengthen the institutional mechanism; e. Inclusive development; f. Convergence of Skilling Efforts; g. Extensive use of Digital Platforms.


With one impactful project Haryana acquired the fifth position in Transport sector ranking. West Bengal topped this sectoral ranking with two highly impactful projects.

Medium Performers

While in some sectors Haryana has shown smart improvement in several other sectors it could not match the pace of 2019. As a result the overall rank of Haryana declined from the nineth position in 2019 to the 14th position in 2020.

  2020 2019
State Rank 14 9
District Administration 13 4
Municipal Governance 10 6
Police & Safety 10 5

District Administration

In the District Administration category Haryana slipped to the 13th position in 2020 from the fourth position in 2019. Seven projects were studied from Haryana in this category. One project from the state was in the highly impactful category.

Under project Antyodaya SARAL, District Administration Gurugram has taken impressive initiatives to make service delivery more efficient. Antyodaya SARAL is a flagship project by the Haryana Government to enhance service delivery to citizens through intensive IT interventions. The project was conceptualised in 2017 across all 22 Districts of Haryana, and has helped improve efficiency of Government departments, curb corruption, and ensure transparency in Governance. 

Gurugram is the most complex of all districts of Haryana, given the scale of operations, large population (25L+), and variety of demographic (migratory population). Ensuring efficient service delivery within  RTS (Right to Service) timelines has remained a challenge for the District, as even on SARAL, the District receives the highest footfall of applications. Despite all these challenges Gurugram district administration has been able to ensure that the metrics of efficient service delivery are complied with in the best possible manner.

District Administration Kaithal has introduced a project called ‘Vidya Vahini’ for providing safe and subsidised transportation to girl students. The initiative has led to improvement in girls’ participation in the higher education. Under Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme the focus is on girl child empowerment and safety. Both these aspects are covered in the Vidya Vahini project. Providing a sustainable and women-only transportation service would help resolve the pre-conceived reservations that girl students and their parents have with regard to their safety, further increasing their footfall at educational institutions. Qualitative Outcome: 1200+ women students travel safely to their respective institutions of higher education, daily. Qualitative Outcome: Gender sensitisation and breaking through gender roles, deeply rooted within the society of Haryana.

Municipal Governance

In Municipal Governance category, four projects were evaluated. This helped the state acquire the 10th position in this sectoral ranking. However, the performance of Haryana in Municipal Governance category was much better in 2019 when the state had acquired the sixth position.

Municipal Corporation Gurugram has taken impressive measures to control Vector borne disease like dengue. To alleviate fear awareness is most important. The Municipal Corporation has organised several lectures, rallies and workshops to spread awareness about the Vector borne diseases. IT related measures like VBD app, GIS location of all larvicidal, fogging, and location of all dengue cases was done. New measures like using Black oil for larvicidal, and controlling Pupae was done. To check density and type of mosquito Mosquito trap machine were procured. These measures have helped in controlling the spread of dengue and other Vector borne diseases.

Mobile Composting Solution introduced Municipal Corporation Gurugram has helped reduce the waste as well as reduce the load of waste at dumpsite.

Municipal Corporation Panchkula has launched Panchkula City Surveillance Project for citizen safety. With the implementation of this project, Panchkula Police has been able to track culprits who have taken law and order in their hands and had caused any kind of injury to the residents of Panchkula. The initiative has helped in creating a sense of safety among the residents of Panchkula.

Police & Safety

With two projects Haryana is placed at the 10th position in this year’s Police & Safety sector ranking. However, the state’s performance is not up to the level of 2019 when it had acquired the fifth position in Police & Safety category.

CID wing of Haryana Police made commendable efforts to alleviate the hardships of citizens who were stuck thousands of miles away from their homes in the aftermath of Covid-19 pandemic lockdown. CID, Haryana Police, run ‘Operation Samvedna’ to help such people in their difficult time. Through this initiative over 4.5 lakh migrants were sent to their respective home states in an organised, compassionate and empathetic way.

Police Commissionerate Panchkula also took impressive measures to help people in the difficult times of Covid-19 pandemic. During the lockdown the entire city was put under the surveillance through various drone cameras strategically put to check violation of lockdown particularly in thickly populated areas of the city.


While some impressive good governance measures by different departments and organisations in Haryana during the year, several department remained indifferent. This negatively impacted Haryana’s performance in those respective sectors as well as the overall state ranking. The sectors in which no project was submitted for assessment include Agriculture, Disaster Management, Education, e-Governance,  Finance & Revenue, Food & Civil Supplies, Governance (General Administration), Infrastructure, Irrigation, Labour, Power & Energy, Rural Development, Social Justice & Social Security, Tourism & Culture, Urban Development, Water and Women & Child Development.

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