While the middle class in India has been a topic of intense debate, it has..
“What should concern policy makers is not that the rich have gotten richer, but the..
While the age old political truism that India resides in its villages may still hold..
How does GDP growth translate into economic prosperity for Indians? ‘Inclusive growth’ and ‘governance’..
Rajesh Shukla, Director, NCAER-Center for Macro Consumer Research (NCAER-CMCR) Professor Amartya Sen’s stinging criticism of..
Step 1: Call for Project Submission Call for..
In the run-up to the elections, the most..
"American roads are good not because America..
State Rankings Highlights Andhra Pradesh retains number one..
State Rankings Highlights -: Odisha scaled to number..
Inclusion is the first magazine dedicated to exploring issues at the intersection of development agendas and digital, financial and social inclusion. The magazine makes complex policy analyses accessible for a diverse audience of policymakers, administrators, civil society and academicians. Grassroots-focused, outcome-oriented analysis is the cornerstone of the work done at Inclusion.