MSME In 2020: Haryana, Andhra Pradesh & Tamil Nadu Tie For #1

SKOCH State of Governance 2020 is an analysis of governance sectors like Health, Municipalities, Education and MSME in 2020. Good governance is an amalgamation of strong policies, intuitive programmes and intentional administration. The SKOCH State of Governance review studies and evaluates states across different governance sectors to assess performance. For 2020, the research expands on…

22 September, 2021 State of Governance, MSME
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SKOCH State of Governance 2020 is an analysis of governance sectors like Health, Municipalities, Education and MSME in 2020. Good governance is an amalgamation of strong policies, intuitive programmes and intentional administration. The SKOCH State of Governance review studies and evaluates states across different governance sectors to assess performance. For 2020, the research expands on the state-wise review to also evaluate sectoral developments. This affords an insight into niches that are doing well, like District Administration and Policing and those that need more input.

Changing Face Of Governance In 2020

The following table is a comparison of different governance sectors from 2015 to 2020. The table gives a bird’s eye view of sectoral performance by highlighting the percentage of projects ranked by SKOCH per sector per year. In 2020, the impact of Covid-19 on administration was undeniable, which is evidenced by the fact that a whopping 24.97% of the projects ranked for the year were in the new ‘Response to Covid’ niche.

Shifting Governance Priorities: State Governments From 2015-2020
  2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2015-2020
Projects Ranked Per Year (%)
Agriculture 1.72 0.00 1.24 1.97 3.04 7.02 1.91
Disaster Management 0.00 1.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22
District Administration 40.34 9.16 12.37 8.55 0.00 0.00 17.37
Ease of Doing Business 0.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22
Education 1.35 3.48 3.51 6.91 6.42 9.21 4.04
eGovernance 5.90 13.19 16.91 26.32 29.73 40.79 17.33
Finance & Revenue 0.12 0.92 1.24 2.63 4.05 10.09 2.06
Food & Civil Supplies 0.00 1.28 1.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.52
Governance (General Administration) 2.83 7.88 2.06 8.88 9.80 9.21 5.73
Health (Non-COVID) 4.31 11.72 4.74 6.25 6.76 5.26 6.47
Infrastructure 0.12 0.55 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19
Irrigation 0.00 0.37 2.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56
Labour 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.32 0.00 0.00 0.15
Municipal Governance 11.32 19.05 18.76 28.29 30.41 15.79 18.68
Municipal Sanitation 3.81 4.40 12.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.34
Police & Safety 12.92 9.34 1.44 0.00 3.04 0.00 6.44
Power & Energy 2.21 3.30 2.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.80
Rural Development 1.23 1.83 3.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.31
Skill Development 2.46 2.75 1.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.53
Social Justice & Social Security 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.97 0.00 0.00 0.22
Tourism & Culture 0.00 0.37 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15
Transport 3.32 3.30 4.54 4.61 6.76 2.63 4.00
Urban Development 0.86 3.66 6.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.21
Water 3.08 0.92 0.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.27
Women & Child Development 1.35 1.47 1.65 2.30 0.00 0.00 1.27
Total number of projects studied 813 546 485 304 296 228 2672
Response to covid % 24.97%            
Numberof Projects related to Response to Covid 203            

Ease of Doing Business or MSME in 2020 accounts for 0.74% of the total number of projects ranked for 2020. This shows some sectoral growth compared to the previous few years.

State Rankings By MSME In 2020

The following table ranks states on the basis of their performance in the MSME sector in 2020. Haryana, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu all win the top spot, with West Bengal coming in at #2.

State Rank By MSME (Ease of Doing Business) State Name
1 Haryana
1 Andhra Pradesh
1 Tamil Nadu
2 West Bengal

Projects In MSME In 2020 By The Centre

Two important MSME in 2020 projects by the Centre were reviewed under SKOCH State of Governance 2020. Both projects were the initiatives of the Khadi & Village Industries Commission, Ministry of MSME, Government Of India

The first of these is – the online web portal and mobile application for Entrepreneurship Development Programme for First Generation Entrepreneurs under Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme. The portal and app encourage entrepreneurs by providing technical education and know-how that translates into practical application and end-to-end solutions for entrepreneurial undertakings. Lectures from industry experts, documentary videos, PPTs, PDF study materials and assessment tests are all part of the training module. The programme has set up an incubator Institute for Industrial Development-IID under the SAMADHAN umbrella. The IID currently boasts 2.35 Lakh subscribers and 85 Lakh views.

The other MSME project by the Centre is the Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme Scheme. The portal is dedicated to making implementation of the Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme Scheme more effective. Online applications and monitoring make for a more transparent atmosphere for both entrepreneurs and KVIC. The use of technology to improve managerial function has helped create more employment opportunities in rural and urban areas. The system allows artisans and unemployed youth to also tap into the potential of microenterprises despite factors of geography and accessibility. The system encourages greater credit flow to the micro sector. Creating sustainable employment opportunities also helps address the challenges of job-based migration.

Haryana Leads The Way For MSME In 2020

The MSME Ecosystem Transformation in Haryana project by the Department of Industries & Commerce, Government of Haryana, is a stellar example of work being done under the Public Private Partnership (PPP) model. It is an impactful project for MSME in 2020. The project tackles MSME sector problems like work duplication, extreme dependence on external services providers and reliance on outdated technology. By introducing the Cluster Development Initiative, the administration has kickstarted the sector by encouraging the use of modern technology. Over 8500 micro and small enterprises have benefitted as a result. Consequently, businesses are producing better goods and services. This, in turn, has created diversified markets. 25 CFCs have been developed in Haryana.

Andhra Pradesh MSME In 2020

The Ease of Doing Business project by the District Industries Centre, Department of Industries, Government of Andhra Pradesh aims to cultivate a business-friendly environment. To begin with, the project worked to simplify the complexities surrounding entrepreneurial activities. Firstly, the department worked to digitalise entrepeneur-oriented services so that people can start businesses without needing to spend too much time or resources in visiting government offices. In addition, an effort was made to educate people about different department operations and popularise single window systems. The administration also earmarked land for starting the KIA project. The government allocated Rs. 96.46 Crores to 2974 claim petitions. 34,313 people have gained employment in the last three years. Citizens are pursuing sustainable economic independence as a result of the administration prioritising secondary and tertiary sectors.

MSME Dept. Tamil Nadu

The MSME Department, Government of Tamil Nadu, launched the MSME Ease of Doing Business: Single Window Portal & GIS Based Online Filing and Allotment of Plots system in order to create an investor-friendly MSME ecosystem. The system incorporates the stage-wise services (pre-establishment, pre-operation and renewal) in a one-stop shop setup so that investors and entrepreneurs can enjoy a hassle-free, quick and transparent experience while establishing or expanding enterprises. Interested parties can apply for licenses, NOCs and approvals, track their applications, download approvals, raise queries and seek grievance redressal services online. The system has been built in order to keep MSMEs flexible and growth-friendly even at times when more conventional industries suffer a setback.

MSME In 2020 Projects Ranked From West Bengal

The West Bengal Khadi & Village Industries Board under the MSME & Textile Department, Government of West Bengal, has been working tirelessly for years in order to develop the rural economy. To this end, the department has implemented using various Central and State schemes. Several cluster programmes have been introduced and funded. The Project Developing Rural Craft Hubs of West Bengal taps into the potential of culture as a tool for inclusive development. One of the primary methods is to remake villages as ‘Cultural Hubs’. To this end, the UNESCO-endorsed ‘Art For Life’ model is used to develop an art and artist-friendly ecosystem that fosters cultural enterprises and encourages heritage institutions. The programme intends to help artists with capacity building and sharing/ learning skills, as well as building stronger market ties. The end goal, of course, is to open up new opportunities and even encourage pan-India and international collaborations.

The Land Allotment, Estate Services & Building Plan Sanction project by the West Bengal Small Industries Development Corporation Limited is another very impactful project that digitalises processes of land allotment, estate services and building plan sanctions. Entrepreneurs can check application status online. Functions like the Escalation Matrix and use of SMS and email make the sector more accessible, dependable and entrepreneur-friendly. Online inspections and payments do away with the need for physical meetings. Strictly stipulated timeframes ensure rapid results.

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Maharashtra Tops, Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh Shine, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal in Top 5

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